5 key principles for IoT platforms

Abdul Jaleel Kavungal
i2Sensys Official Blog
5 min readMar 18, 2018


Gartner predicts a total of $235 billion spent on IoT this year with 6.4 billion Internet connected devices. With so many devices set to hit the market in 2016, let’s take a look at some key principles every IoT platform must follow to succeed in the upcoming IoT revolution:

1. Adaptable

When IoT devices learn and adapt to the users environment, they provide an experience that can remove the need for a user interface.

eg: Nest Thermostat : Nest adapts the temperature of house by learning your daily schedule

2. Relevant

IoT systems need to present data to users in very user friendly way to remain relevant than presenting confusing or meaningless charts that require detailed interpretations for understanding.

eg: FitBit Surge : The Fitbit Surge tracks your overall fitness and delivers complete digestible overview of your performance.

3. Trustworthy

With many IoT security vulnerabilities are reported these days, security and authentication of IoT products and services are paramount importance.

eg: Xively : Using services like Xiverly provide a secure platform to build upon.

4. Improve

An IoT device or system must bring opportunities to improve and invent new categories of products and services.

eg: Flood Beacon : Flood Beacon is deployable flotation device that reports real-time flood level data and alerts if anything looks bad. Its data stream has opened up possibilities for several other apps and products

5. Appropriate

Selecting correct wireless communication, battery and sensor requirements will play big role in success of IoT systems.

eg: Bluetooth 4.0 : Bluetooth 4.0 chips are increasingly common for connecting short-range IoT devices.

Here is a list of IoT platforms that are popular in the industry today:


Kaa is a flexible open source platform licenced under Apache 2.0 for building, managing, and integrating connected software in IoT. Kaa’s “data schema” definition language provides a universal level of abstraction to achieve cross-vendor product interoperability. Kaa supports multiple client platforms by offering endpoint SDKs in various programming languages. In addition, Kaa’s powerful back-end functionality greatly speeds up product development, allowing vendors to concentrate on maximizing their product’s unique value to the consumer.


The Axeda Platform is a complete M2M and IoT data integration and application development platform with infrastructure delivered as a cloud-based service.


The Arrayent Connect Platform is an IoT platform that helps to connect products to smartphones and web applications. It comes with an an agent which helps the embedded devices to connect to cloud, A cloud based IoT operating system, A mobile framework and a business intelligence reporting system


Carriots is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) designed for Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) projects. It provides tools to Collect & store data from devices, SDK to build powerful applications, deploy and scale from tiny prototypes to thousands of devices


Xively offers an enterprise IoT platform which helps in connecting products and users, manage the information and an interface to for product deployment and health check


ThingSpeak is an open source Internet of Things application and API to store and retrieve data from things using the HTTP protocol over the Internet or via a Local Area Network. ThingSpeak enables the creation of sensor logging applications, location tracking applications, and a social network of things with status updates.


EVRYTHNG is the award-winning IoT cloud platform that connects any consumer product to the Web and manages real-time data to drive applications. Smart products don’t just deliver connected experiences and support services, they share data with enterprise systems and other device clouds for smarter ROI.


Konekt offers full-stack cellular connectivity for your devices. Their platform is a powerful union of cellular plans, cloud infrastructure and APIs, whether you’re building an Internet-connected energy meter or a toaster that tweets. Konekt has the right setup for you!


MODE is a full-stack IoT platform that can help you launch the next big thing. From building your hardware and software using the tools of your choice to connecting them to the MODE cloud and ultimately shipping your product and managing everything from your computer, MODE can help you break into the IoT world.


Carriots is an IoT cloud platform that support your business. Using Carriots, you can connect devices and build M2M for them, and then you can capture and manage your data. Turn your devices into smarter, IoT enabled data machines.


Build cool things and then connect them to the Internet using thethings.iO. From device monitorization and management to real-time connectivity, alarms, rules and jobs, thethings.iO provides an IoT backend solution for developers with an easy and flexible API. Use any of their supported protocols: HTTP, Websockets, MQTT or CoAP.


Register and provision your devices with SiteWhere. Use a command framework to simplify your device communication. Store complete command history and correlate responses. Use a powerful provisioning engine to interact with your devices. Register devices manually, in batches, or via self-registration, and emulate device messages directly from an administrative application.


Aeris is unique in its ability to provide you with a complete solution — from connectivity to application platform — for your M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) programs. Their CDMA, GSM, and LTE were built from the ground up for the unique needs of machines. Unlike other mobile network operators, Aeris is 100% dedicated to M2M and IoT; there is no consumer traffic on their network.

Because the Aeris network and technologies were built exclusively for M2M and IoT, you’ll benefit from the lowest cost and best service in the industry; plus their experts will help you create a rate plan and structure that makes sense for your unique business needs.


ProSyst provides the most advanced open standards (OSGi, HGI, etc.) based middleware for connecting and managing devices in the cloud as well as for developing, implementing and updating innovative IoT applications.

They provide a complete range of products from the application platform runtime stack, tools and SDKs to a highly advanced remote management/ provisioning platform. With their 100+ in-house Java/OSGi engineers, they bring together recognized software expertise, professional processes and the ability to meet the technical requirements of device manufacturers and service providers.


2lemetry is an Internet of Things platform and technology company that powers the connected enterprise, tying people, processes, data and devices together — transforming raw data into real-time actionable intelligence. Their ThingFabric Platform offers the only open IoT enablement platform that delivers actionable insights — giving you a competitive advantage.


Generate production-ready code, connect your hardware instantly, and enhance and extend your devices with Temboo, a cloud-based platform that has 2000+ things you can do, helping you to extend your hardware like it’s software. Their offload processing to the cloud gives customers more intelligence and remote reprogramming.


Make your sensor data simple with TempoIQ, a set APIs to collect, monitor, analyze, & store your sensor data in realtime. Just three lines of code to get started.


Xively is an enterprise IoT platform and application solution that simplifies the way companies securely and robustly connect their products & users, manage IoT data at scale, and engage more closely with their customers, users & partners.



Abdul Jaleel Kavungal
i2Sensys Official Blog

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